Want to deepen and expand your meditation practice?

Join us for Rishi Training.

Rishi Training is an advanced course designed to take you deep into our Vedic wisdom tradition. With a feminine-led perspective, this live training is here to AWAKEN you to your true nature, who you are, why you’re here, and DEEPEN your understanding of the full-spectrum of life. It’s about unfolding your innate purpose, finding your service in the world, and embodying it through powerful action. Rishi Training reveals the truth of LOVE, shares the secrets of heart opening relationships, and uncovers the power and purpose of DEVOTION. It’s about re-learning how to live a life of fearless grace and radical love. Learning, unlearning, and discovery, is always more enjoyable when shared with others. A big part of what we offer in Rishi Training is the cultivation of a like-hearted community, where life-time friendships are formed and nurtured.

What is Rishi Training?

This timeless Vedic wisdom, and the eyes-open techniques and practices that help us embody it, have been passed down for generations through spiritual lineages, making it relevant for the need of the time. Rishi Training is a synthesis of the ancient Vedic texts we have been studying over the past 15 years, the wisdom passed down through our Shankaracharya lineage, our experiences in India with our spiritual teachers, the Vedic culture, and our own direct experiences as feminine-led meditators and teachers. We are humbled to be sharing this all with you, going on the journey of inner discovery together, and supporting you in becoming a Rishi - a ‘seer’ of reality.

Rishi Training is taught LIVE in 4 parts over either 1 or 2 years, in-person or online.

  • AWAKEN to what you are - unbounded, infinite, and already free. Explore the deepest aspects of who and what we are, shares new eyes-open practices and techniques, while unfolding the timeless wisdom of Veda.

  • Journey into your timeless nature, exploring the full spectrum of Self, and your role in the life of all living beings. Unfold your innate purpose, DEEPEN your service in the world, and embody it all through powerful action.

  • Drop into your heart space and explore what love is, why it’s the driving force of all evolution, and how you can experience more radical LOVE in your life. Re-enliven your intimate relationships, learn ways to commune on deeper levels, and re-discover deep self-love.

  • Finally we bring it all together into one, whole, embodied understanding. Explore the depths of more expansive states of consciousness, while learning practices for enlivening the Divine in your life through DEVOTION. Learn a powerful advanced technique for accelerating your evolution. For this instalment only, you can choose to join us in India for a 14 day pilgrimage and rounding retreat, or sit with us online.

  • If you journey to India with us for the conclusion of Rishi Training DEVOTION, you’ll be coming to the birthplace of our Vedic tradition. We will be exploring the purpose and power of bhakti (devotion) and seva (service), connecting with the most subtle layers of life, and going deep within and without. The first 10-days are a pilgrimage to the heart of our spiritual tradition in the northern Himalayas. Explore holy sites, temples, and walk snowy mountains, while deepening your understanding and direct experience of the Vedic culture and more expansive states of consciousness. The last 5-days are a deep dive inwards with an intensive rounding retreat, Vedic wisdom sessions, and devotional Vedic ceremonies.

Join us online with Sarah O’Brien

Each part takes place over 3 weeks every Sunday 8am-10:30am and Thursday 6:30pm-9pm. Total of 6 sessions each part.

AWAKEN - 10-28 March, 2024 (AEDT)

DEEPEN - 28 April - 16 May, 2024 (AEST)

LOVE - 11-29 August, 2024 (AEST)

DEVOTION - 14 Nov - 1 Dec, 2024 (AEDT)

To find out more about our Rishi Trainings please head to the Mahasoma website or Email Sarah@mahasoma.com for all general enquiries.